May 03, 2007

May Days

I've been spurned into action by my friend Kerry, who has also chosen to update her blog, her last post (and mine!) appearing back in January. Now, we're both back in business.

Hello, my two readers! We are enjoying beautiful, though not yet scorching, weather here in Olde Ontarioooo. I've embarked on a new career as a managing editor for a trade publication and I'll tell ya, it's great to get the olde noggin working again. Who knew working could once again be so satisfying?

Here's our little angel - photo taken whilst on holidays in Cuba in April--age almost four-and-a-half, going on 35...where has the time gone? She now loves: makeup, party dresses, jewellery, fancy shoes, drawing, singing to her animals, Curious George, Big Comfy Couch, Madeleine (sp?), Eloise, strawberries, sushi, blueberries, popsicles, chocolate and strawberry milk, her boys (the neighbour boys Kyle and Gavin...around her age), other neighbourhood friends, Spenser and Connor, her friend in school, Asia...I could go on and on. She has certainly developed an inquisitive, head-strong, funny and smart little personality.

Glenn is busy, busy, busy with his job, which seems to change day by day as his company gets its act together. He is working out a lot at his company gym, he's getting the house together organization-wise, and, as usual, doesn't take enough time for himself just to rest and kick back..."there's too much to do," he says, once done one thinking is that the work is there the next day, so take a break every once in a while. God love him.

We went on a family trip to the Blau Varadero, an all-inclusive resort, in April. The resort itself was nice, but b/c I'm used to a little more stimulation in the form of seeing different things, walking a lot, going to different places, window-shopping, etc., the repetition of the daily activities and lack of things to really do for adults made it a somewhat long week for me. Violet, on the other hand, really enjoyed herself; there was a kids' club, there was the pool, there was the beach, there was a kids' disco in the evenings...she was in heaven, so busy, making little friends and developing instant friendships. Kids. We got home rested, tanned and ready for a few months of cool weather 'til the warmth becomes a permanent fixture here in our town.

Here are some pics...

Our little family on the beach

Gettin' 'Er Done Up Fancy - Glenn and me all dressed up for dinner at the a la carte restaurant (my chin looks Jay Leno-ish, no?)

Violet and Glenn building one of many sand items (lumps, castles, etc.) on the beach in Varadero

Glenn striking a pose at the Blau Varadero pool

Me and V and Varadero Beach Hijinx (still hippy...oh, well)

That's about it for now...I'll update again when I get the chance. Must try and get this thing updated a little more frequently, but I wasn't feeling particularly motivated, for some reason (well, I do know the reason: I'm lazy!!!). Have a great spring, everyone, and talk to you soon!


p.s. Reached my goal weight last month!!!

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