May 03, 2007

Oh, yeah...

I forgot to mention that I had shingles a few months ago. Apparently, you can get them from having a run down immune system, and everyone carries the virus if they've had chicken pox...anyway, they began with pain in my right side, feeling tired...progressed to burning pain, tender, sensitive skin, and erupted in a horrid rashlike spreading across the right side of my body, front to back, in the abdomen area. If you're squeamish, don't look at this photo (oops, photo not loading...will add in next post), but it may be can identify it from the raised blistery skin...anyway, I got some anti-viral medication from the doctor at the hospital (I was in such pain, we went there on a Sunday night at 830pm...there until midnight)...Several Tylenol 3s and days later, I felt much better. If there were anything I'd wish on an enemy, it would be shingles. Might have even been more painful than childbirth. Ouch.

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