November 22, 2006

Island Girl

Well, back from our Caribbean cruise and back to reality. The cruise was super super fun and we were both refreshed and relaxed once we came back. Basic cruise activities included sleeping inside, sleeping on sun loungers on the Lido deck, drinking, eating, laughing, talking, ordering more buckets of beer, sleeping on the beach, buying lots of duty-free stuff on the islands--Grand Turk, Tortola, St. Maarten and Half Moon Cay, in the Bahamas--getting dressed up for fancy dinner nights, eating, drinking, laughing, and more of all of the above. God, the group of people we went with were a riot and we all had fun making fun of each other. The girls on the trip went bananas on St. Maarten buying jewelery and the guys were pretty encouraging wanting their ladies to get sumthink niiiiice. Pretty amazing. Missed going to Orient Beach on the St. Martin (French) side of the island...not only is it supposed to be beautiful but clothing optional, too. I never like to miss a chance to see people unclothed who should be covered with a jute sack from head to toe.

Back to our little wee town and finishing the 5000 word article I'm writing about food safety. The job has actually been really fun and interesting, particularly getting the wording perfect. I hope to have some more writing jobs result because of this one...that'd be niiiiice.

My editing program will be done by May and then I have to decide with Hub if I'll take the summer off for travel and start working in the fall or start toiling immediately. And then I also need to decide if I want to be a cube rat in a company (sounds so tempting put that way) or work freelance from home (with people or alone, in other words...both so tempting). So much to decide, but thankfully not right at this moment. For now, I'll just continue to admire my fading tan and my gorgeous fire opal ring. Sigh...

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