November 09, 2006

Gettin' Smaller...

Well, I'm quite pleased that I've dropped a lot of my "Hungarian weight" since July. I don't think I'd ever been that heavy before...well, maybe after I had my girl. Anyhoo, feeling much better these days, and it's exciting getting dressed b/c I now have all these things I can fit into again and it's like getting a new wardrobe. Also gives me an excuse to update my wardrobe with smaller sizes, probably much to hubster's chagrin. Gotta keep the little lady happy, he says, "happy wife = happy life." Heading out on a cruise on Sunday and we are very very excited. Child is going to grandma's and we are sailing around the isles of the Caribbean, where temps are 25-31C during the day and 21-25C at night, humidity hovering around 78F on average. Can't wait for the formal dress evenings and sitting out on our deck in the morning looking out at sea while drinking a nice cup of coffee with my lovely, kind, funny and smart hubster. Sigh. :-) Beautiful. Hope I don't scare too many people with my bod in my new bathing suit. Oh well, I'd never do anything if I let my crazy fears get in my way. Back to writing now for money. My first writing gig in a long time is finally underway and it's great having the ole brain workin' again. Bye!

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