November 30, 2006


Here's a pic of me and my best girl; I was trying to find this one to go with my last post but, instead, posted that last pic. This was taken on my 35th birthday, when I was with child and didn't know it. Good thing I drank a ton of red wine and smoked like a chimney that night. Anyhoo, these beautiful frocks were courtesy of either Goodwill or the Sally Anne...quite lovely, no?! The lipstick, which was supposed to be quite garish, actually looks pretty on us...I wonder what that says...once again, HAPPY BDAY, MARE!!!!

My Best Girl's Birthday

I forgot to mention that today's my best girl Mary's 40th birthday!!! Happy Birthday, Kukla! I love you and am so happy you're my best friend!
And this pic is for Mary on her birthday because, of everyone I know, I wish she could make this phone call. She deserves to win the Cash for Life a few times. :-)

Rainy Day

(Apropos to nothing, doesn't this patio look inviting? The lady in the red dress and hat (?) interests me. How old do you think she is?)

Hey all, It's a rainy day here in my small town and I'm feeling a bit out of sorts. Did some yelling this morning but am feeling antsy for the hub to come home from his business trip (day six today, and he'll be home in 1.5 hrs). I think I need a big break or at least a long soak in the hot tub (did I tell you we were getting our hot tub fixed? No? Well, the thing hasn't been working since before we went to Hungary and we finally got off our asses and did something about it. Now, if I did it right, it should be shocked and ready to go, a nice surprise for hub for when he gets home.). When hub goes on these long business trips, days are very long, esp. if he's away during the weekend. I really need to relax once he gets back b/c I rarely fully do b/c I'm solely responsible for looking after our little angel (who's tested my patience many, many times these past few days).

Blaaaaah! Picked up a Starbucks latte and am just doing this before I go get the girl and get her changed into a pretty dress for Daddy's arrival at the airport. Was subject to a colossal temper tantrum, btw, this morning when I refused to let her wear what is essentially a very fancy princess dress, which would not have been appropriate to wear to school on a rainy and coolish day. Don't exactly want to the reputation of the mother who doesn't know how to dress her kid for the weather.

In other news, I think I'm down (weight) and have seven more lbs to go until I get to my goal weight!!! Very exciting!

I'm trying not to buy any more clothes until I reach goal b/c they'll end up being big on me. Shoes are okay, though, and I forced myself to get two pairs of the most darling little decorated mules yesterday at the Nine West outlet mall in Toronto. I might have also bought an adorable pink purse, too, one that fits a book, wallet, phone, big bottle of water and some lipgloss. It's all a blur, I'm so tired from the past few days.

Meant to say that, in my blog below with the photos, the cute guy whose alter ego is Borat is Sasha Baron Cohen. He is sooooo adorable!!!! Sigh...

Well, off to get the hub and reunite our little family. Have a great weekend!

x A

November 22, 2006

Island Girl

Well, back from our Caribbean cruise and back to reality. The cruise was super super fun and we were both refreshed and relaxed once we came back. Basic cruise activities included sleeping inside, sleeping on sun loungers on the Lido deck, drinking, eating, laughing, talking, ordering more buckets of beer, sleeping on the beach, buying lots of duty-free stuff on the islands--Grand Turk, Tortola, St. Maarten and Half Moon Cay, in the Bahamas--getting dressed up for fancy dinner nights, eating, drinking, laughing, and more of all of the above. God, the group of people we went with were a riot and we all had fun making fun of each other. The girls on the trip went bananas on St. Maarten buying jewelery and the guys were pretty encouraging wanting their ladies to get sumthink niiiiice. Pretty amazing. Missed going to Orient Beach on the St. Martin (French) side of the island...not only is it supposed to be beautiful but clothing optional, too. I never like to miss a chance to see people unclothed who should be covered with a jute sack from head to toe.

Back to our little wee town and finishing the 5000 word article I'm writing about food safety. The job has actually been really fun and interesting, particularly getting the wording perfect. I hope to have some more writing jobs result because of this one...that'd be niiiiice.

My editing program will be done by May and then I have to decide with Hub if I'll take the summer off for travel and start working in the fall or start toiling immediately. And then I also need to decide if I want to be a cube rat in a company (sounds so tempting put that way) or work freelance from home (with people or alone, in other words...both so tempting). So much to decide, but thankfully not right at this moment. For now, I'll just continue to admire my fading tan and my gorgeous fire opal ring. Sigh...

November 09, 2006

Gettin' Smaller...

Well, I'm quite pleased that I've dropped a lot of my "Hungarian weight" since July. I don't think I'd ever been that heavy before...well, maybe after I had my girl. Anyhoo, feeling much better these days, and it's exciting getting dressed b/c I now have all these things I can fit into again and it's like getting a new wardrobe. Also gives me an excuse to update my wardrobe with smaller sizes, probably much to hubster's chagrin. Gotta keep the little lady happy, he says, "happy wife = happy life." Heading out on a cruise on Sunday and we are very very excited. Child is going to grandma's and we are sailing around the isles of the Caribbean, where temps are 25-31C during the day and 21-25C at night, humidity hovering around 78F on average. Can't wait for the formal dress evenings and sitting out on our deck in the morning looking out at sea while drinking a nice cup of coffee with my lovely, kind, funny and smart hubster. Sigh. :-) Beautiful. Hope I don't scare too many people with my bod in my new bathing suit. Oh well, I'd never do anything if I let my crazy fears get in my way. Back to writing now for money. My first writing gig in a long time is finally underway and it's great having the ole brain workin' again. Bye!