December 18, 2006

December Doings

Well, I wrote a blog entry and it disappeared into the ether so I'll try again. Basically, here are the things that have happened now in December. Sadly, and I just found this out this morning, my godmother, Aino, died in Finland last Thursday, Dec. 14. I loved her...she was a very funny, kind lady and I hope she got my Christmas card with a picture of me, Hub and V so she remembered how much I loved her. Very sad. Otherwise, had our Finnish family Xmas at my mum's this past weekend. Tons of relatives and a good time. Now we're preparing for a trip up north to see hub's family over the holidays. Sure it'll be cold as a witch's T--, but that's to be expected when you're practically at the Arctic Circle. In other news, I've now lost almost 30 of my Hungarian pounds and I'm thrilled!!! About six more to go!!!

That's about it for me for now. Happy holidays, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, etc. to everyone!!!

x a

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