December 18, 2006


I just found out I've gotten an A- in both the copyediting and content editing courses I just finished. There's some confusion about whether I need to have a combined A or an A- in those courses, plus the production editing course I'm taking in January, in order to be able to get an editing placement once I'm done my courses in April 2007. As I started my editing certificate program in January 2006, when the placement requirement was a mark of A-, I'm hoping that's the requirement and not the A they've decided on for those students starting the program in the fall of 2006. Whatev. I'm mighty pleased that I got an A- (though peeved I evaded that elusive A or A+) and can now rest and relax over Christmas. I have sent out a few resumes in the past week and have some friends working on getting me some contacts in the publishing industry so that I can take on a part-to-full-time job in the new year. I really want to really get my brain going again plus bring home some bacon so we can really get going with these house renos. We went and looked at a great house around the corner, in a cul-de-sac, and what I expected to be selling for $450K or so is actually selling for $644K...Oh, my God!!! Well, there go the plans of getting out of this olde-tyme house and into a newer one...I'll just have to live with these authentic but somewhat despised 6" floorboards and damned French windows. Blaaaaaah!!!! The next goal is to redo the bathroom but it's slow-going. We've dawdled all fall, but have gone so far as to decide what we we just need to GIT 'ER DONE!!!! (Hub's least favourite saying) Well, enough to git cleaned up for the main hombre's arrival...

x a

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