October 17, 2006

Random thoughts and images from my colossal brain

Here's a mismash of things that made me think.

This graffiti was on a wall in the Red Light district in Amsterdam.

This man, to the right, is one of my heroes (I didn't actually see him when I was in Europe, but as he's European, I think you can let this one go). Can you guess who it is? Isn't he handsome? His alter ego, BORAT, perhaps can't claim the same good looks, but is endearing in his own way. Can't wait for Borat's movie to come out. People went nuts when it was shown at the Toronto Int'l Film Festival. Sexy Time!

Isn't this just the best idea in the world? Imagine it's 37C, middle of summer, you just want to die b/c it's so hot and then someone hands you one of these chilly puppies from the freezer...you spend the rest of the afternoon wrapped in a thawing towel in a bathtub full of ice. Heaven or what?!
(can you see them? the towels in the freezer?)

And lastly, here's a sample of some direct marketing we encountered in Poland earlier this year. No dilly dallying with the message here.

Nighty night, all. Time for this princess to voyage to unconscious climes. x

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