October 17, 2006

Hub, V and Me - Forever!

God, I love my little family so much! Here are hub, V and me...we have so much fun together: laughing, racing around after each other, hub and me trying to get V to eat, sleep, tone down el volumo with el voicio...a good thing about me and hub is that we like to travel together. we can literally sit for eight hours in a car and ramble on to each other the whole way and sing together to songs on the radio. V is just starting to get used to airplane travel, and hub is great at keeping her occupied while I swill wine and try to catch some zzzzs (is that selfish?). Hey, something I recently tried, when we went to England, was to order the Kosher meal (I read somewhere that these meals are consistently the best of the lot)...it was pretty good! I do NOT recommend ordering a low-fat meal for a flight...it'll ruin your travel experience and you'll probably booze it up, more than you intended anyway, to wash away the grossness from your mouth. I feel the need for speed and to travel again soon...going on a cruise next month (Caribbean) and can't wait!! I never before considered myself a cruise kind of girl, but there you go (and it's gratis). Will share, share, share the deets of the adventure when I'm back.

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