October 17, 2006

I missed one...

This gem was found in a shop window in Zagreb. Isn't she precious?

Random thoughts and images from my colossal brain

Here's a mismash of things that made me think.

This graffiti was on a wall in the Red Light district in Amsterdam.

This man, to the right, is one of my heroes (I didn't actually see him when I was in Europe, but as he's European, I think you can let this one go). Can you guess who it is? Isn't he handsome? His alter ego, BORAT, perhaps can't claim the same good looks, but is endearing in his own way. Can't wait for Borat's movie to come out. People went nuts when it was shown at the Toronto Int'l Film Festival. Sexy Time!

Isn't this just the best idea in the world? Imagine it's 37C, middle of summer, you just want to die b/c it's so hot and then someone hands you one of these chilly puppies from the freezer...you spend the rest of the afternoon wrapped in a thawing towel in a bathtub full of ice. Heaven or what?!
(can you see them? the towels in the freezer?)

And lastly, here's a sample of some direct marketing we encountered in Poland earlier this year. No dilly dallying with the message here.

Nighty night, all. Time for this princess to voyage to unconscious climes. x

V is for Vivacious!

Isn't she gorgeous? She's our "fashion girl." Lucky us!

Her newly created knock-knock joke (and the best I've ever heard):

Me: Knock, knock!

V: Who's there? The end.

Love it!

Hub, V and Me - Forever!

God, I love my little family so much! Here are hub, V and me...we have so much fun together: laughing, racing around after each other, hub and me trying to get V to eat, sleep, tone down el volumo with el voicio...a good thing about me and hub is that we like to travel together. we can literally sit for eight hours in a car and ramble on to each other the whole way and sing together to songs on the radio. V is just starting to get used to airplane travel, and hub is great at keeping her occupied while I swill wine and try to catch some zzzzs (is that selfish?). Hey, something I recently tried, when we went to England, was to order the Kosher meal (I read somewhere that these meals are consistently the best of the lot)...it was pretty good! I do NOT recommend ordering a low-fat meal for a flight...it'll ruin your travel experience and you'll probably booze it up, more than you intended anyway, to wash away the grossness from your mouth. I feel the need for speed and to travel again soon...going on a cruise next month (Caribbean) and can't wait!! I never before considered myself a cruise kind of girl, but there you go (and it's gratis). Will share, share, share the deets of the adventure when I'm back.
My God, am I colour-coordinated or what?! See how my eyes match the green in my blog? Me so purdy!

Lookie how happy I look! Photo taken in a pub in London, England, in September 2006. I think I was pretty tired but was also happy, kickin' it with a pint and my lovely hub (i.e. spouse). Sans child that weekend so we wandered and were freeeeeee! I now want to move to London and have a house in Notting Hill.

Happy October 2006!

Look! I look very insane, sitting here in a pub in London!

But, yahoo! Most of my lovely Hungarian weight is gone (thanks salami, beer, wine, cheese and poppy seed pastries), and I'm feelin' good! I'm going to try and get onto my blog more than just bi-annually (see first posting in this blog). It's raining here in old S.T.O (small town Ontario) today...actually, not just raining but torrenting (is that a verb?) down...can't get warm. Am going to crawl into bed right now with the new Philippa Gregory book entitled "The Queen's Fool." Have a great day!


Back in Canada

Here I am, back in Canada, having returned six months ago (I know, I'm up to date with this blogging thing, hey?)! Looooovely to be back, away from the pain and suffering we endured in Budapest (and that was just going to the Posta to pay bills!).

Will write more later, as I'm in the middle of an email to my other blogging friend, Kerry, whom I met in Budapest and who is a fantastic, nice and funny mother of three. Suffice it to say I'm happy, hubster's happy, our daughter is happy and friends and relatives are thrilled b/c we're back in the homeland and back to pouring them very generous glasses of wine.

Heh heh. Meh!
